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The water mirror

An attraction that cannot be ignored

In front of the stock exchange square
33000 Bordeaux
With a surface of 3540 m², it is the biggest water mirror in the world. Bordeaux water mirror is the central part of an esplanade of 5850 m² surrounded by a flower-planted garden : the garden of lights (jardin des lumières).
Departement : Gironde
Micro region : Bordelais
City : Bordeaux
BORDEAUX : The water mirror
BORDEAUX : The water mirror
Reflet de la Place de la Bourse

BORDEAUX : the garden of lights
the garden of lights («Le jardin des Lumières»)
On both sides of the water mirror, the paving dwells on about 2000m² (the water mirror is the central part of this 5850m² esplanade. The ensemble of the paving is surrounded by a flower-planted garden : the garden of lights (le jardin des lumières). Finnaly, between this fitting and the river, a pedestrianized and cycle track takes place just as all alongside the river’s quays.
With a surface of 3540 m², it is the biggest water mirror in the world. Situated in front of the «Place de la Bourse» (stock exchange square), this landscaping realised by the urban community is handled by the city council.
Imagined by the hydrant man Jean-max Llorca, the system permit’s the apparition, one after another, of a mirror effect (2 centimeters of water stagnating on a granite flagstone) and a fog effect that can reach 2 meters high.
The water is stocked underground in a 800m³ tank. The water pulls up on the surface in aid of pumps, fills up a hundred of little canals laid out under the flagstone and then overflows through the juncture in order to pour all over the surface.
At the end of a computer planned length, a waterworks system permits that the water flows back down again into the tank so as it takes back its normal temperature. That’s when the fog effect can happen : about 900 injectors positioned in the center of each flagstone produce this fog before the next mirror effect takes place.
BORDEAUX : The water mirror
Effet brouillard
BORDEAUX : The water mirror
Attraction pour toutes
générations confondues.

BORDEAUX : The water mirror
Mots clés :  Le miroir d'eau, le miroir d'eau de Bordeaux, Jean-Max Llorca, miroir d'eau, fontainier, canalettes, plus grand miroir d'eau du monde, jardin des lumière, bordeaux, attraction bordeaux, esplanade bordeaux.
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